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Relaxation occurs when moving your body

in unison with your breath.

In a relaxed and gentle stretched body the breath will deepen

and the pace will slow down.

A long and smooth breath calms down the mind
and you become aware of

beyond your mind's agitations

Yoga taught in the traditional style of T. Krishnamacharya

Krishnamacharyas Yoga is based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, an ancient text about human psychology. Here Yoga is defined as a specific state of mind and as the path to achieve this. It is a holistic approach to reunite body and mind through the Yoga tools of asana (physical exercise), pranayama (breathing exercise) and dharana (concentration exercise).

The main idea of Krishnamacharyas teachings is to teach what applies to the student, focusing on the individual goals of the practice. The asana practice is breath centered and function is always more important than form.

Yoga can help to sustain or regain your physical, emotional and spiritual health.